She works harder (and smarter) than most and consistently produces exemplary work. She’s just itching for the next opportunity to showcase her leadership skills or get a promotion — or both! — and is confident that, when that opp arises, she’ll be the top candidate on the list.

Sound like anyone you know? * wink wink nudge nudge * To prepare for what could come around the bend at any moment, undergo a career spot-check with these common mistakes to avoid at work and ways you can strengthen the skills you already have. While nobody’s perfect, with this checklist as a guide, you can get damn close. After all, it’s never too late to course-correct and better position yourself for success.

Not Knowing your numbers

Cate Luzio of Luminary says knowing your numbers is the key to success. Partner with your manager to understand which company metrics you and your team contribute to. How can you gain regular insight into these figures, and what actions can you take to improve them? Keep a running list of these numbers to use on your résumé, in your LinkedIn profile, and during your promotion pitch meeting.

Undervaluing your work

Once you understand the metrics that serve as proof points of your accomplishments, do a little research into the market value of your role. Consider the nature of your role, industry, company size, and national, state, and local stats to have a clear idea of the earning potential that could come from a raise.

Earning too little money

Are you earning too little in your current position? This could hinder how much you’re able to increase your income when negotiating for a promotion. Ask for a raise to maximize your potential earnings and set you on a better trajectory.

Not being agile

Excellent performance in your role will get you major props. Even moreso, excellent performance on tasks above and beyond your role could set you up to be a top candidate for a promotion. Staying agile and navigating whatever is thrown your way shows leadership that you can step out of your comfort zone and still rock it.

Not identifying your specialty

Choose one topic to be the go-to person for. Don’t force it; leverage a talent or strength of yours to make your step into that role as expert more natural. Having a specialty relevant to the department in which you want a promotion can make you extremely valuable to your colleagues and company leadership.

Not networking internally

Maintain an outstanding reputation by building connections cross-functionally. Maximize time spent on projects by getting to know people you don’t normally work with and attending company social events to allow people to see your more fun, relaxed side.

Not networking externally

By networking with people who work in the same role or industry, you can learn and gain new skills and insight that set you apart at your own company. Join associations and become a leader in your field, or apply for awards that demonstrate your abilities — and subtly remind your company just how lucky they are to have you.

Playing the blame game

Be careful who you confide in or vent to about the job. In general, it’s best to avoid gossiping in public places, complaining to coworkers, or acting out in meetings, but this is especially true if you’re grooming yourself for a promotion. Don’t be a Negative Nancy; reframe negative comments into constructive criticism meant to build up the larger group. Actively be part of the solution, not the problem.